

Please review your order twice before making payment. We do not refund for incorrectly placed orders.

Delivery Address:
Please make sure you are at the address to receive the goods. Extra costs for reorganising the delivery will be passed onto customers.

PO Box:
PO Boxes are NOT acceptable.

Pick Up:
Pick up is NOT available.

Prices are subject to change at anytime. If you have any questions please contact us before placing the order.

Shipping Charges:
Shipping will be charged based on the weight, dimension and location of the delivery address. Contact us for bulk delivery special shipping rates.

Please note based on the nature and variety of products and availability, you may receive multiple deliveries for the same order.
Stock Availability:
At times stock may not be available or due to arrive at the warehouse. If such situations arise, we will contact you and inform you of the situation and offer you alternate solution.